New studio! New work…

Porcelain lighting ‘hooks’ for a restaurant. Model, ,aster mould and fired pieces.

Recent client project. Model, 6 part master mould.
I have moved to a bigger space at The Mergatroid Bldg East Van, (Studio 3) and this coincides with a time for design. Being so busy with client work – modelling/mouldmaking – I can finally see a chink of light (can you have a chink of time?) for new design!!! It’s exciting and the new space somehow plays a role in shaping my thoughts. Somehow it calls me to expand the work. I’m drawn to the idea of an installation for the The Eastside Crawl (I need arbitrary deadlines and The Crawl is handily a long way off…!).
I want to stay true to my desire to connect with nature in a positive, hopefully uplifting way. I spend a lot of time browsing Instagram and I am particularly struck by how much dark imagery there is. So many skulls and crows! The gothic seems deeply embedded in our visual culture again. It makes me wonder sometimes about joining that wave as my work is quiet and can be seen as sentimental perhaps. But it’s not my nature, so I’ll follow my own trail…
On that note: can I recommend the book The Old Ways by Robert Mcfarlane, check it out for some of the most beautiful nature writing I have ever read.

The Queen of Capilano Ferry arriving to take me to my East Van studio. A sociable 20 minute sail to Vancouver, with fellow Bowenites…